When taking into consideration your application for temporary residence permit, the police makes decision about public interest, specifically about safety, personal and familiar situation of the third country national, his financial situation and other essential according to the legal act n.404/2011 Coll. on residence of aliens as amended ( hereinafter only as „ legal act on residence of aliens“)
According to §121 of the legal act on residence of aliens, the third country national is obliged to provide estrait of Criminal record of the country of which he is a national, then of a country in which he had the residence in last three years for a period longer than 90 days during six consecutive months. The estrait of Criminal record must confirm the integrity of the whole territory of the country that issued this document, otherwise the Police entity does not accept this document.
Taking into consideration the document on integrity attached to the application for temporary permit is up to the Police department as it is an independent body that is authorized to act in this matter.
What to do when the third country national is not present in Slovakia……………
According to the legal act on residence of aliens in Slovakia, the police will cancel the temporary residence, if the national of a third country is continuously abroad for a period longer than 180 days.
According to legal act on foreigners a third country national is obliged to inform in written the police if he stays abroad for a period longer than 180 days if he was given a permit.
If the foreigner following the receipt of the permit will be in the territory of Slovakia for the period longer than 180 days, he is obliged according to the foreigner´s legal act obliged to notify this at the relevant Foreigner´s Police department.
resource: minv
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