1. The residence of third country nationals within the territory of the Slovak republic is regulated by the Act No 404/2011on Residence of Aliens and Amendment and Supplementation of Certain Acts (hereinafter referred to as „Act on Residence of Aliens“)
  2. Temporary residence entitles third country national to stay, to exit and re-enter the territory of the Slovak republic during the period of validity of the residence permit.
  3. Permanent residence entitles third country national to stay to exit and re-enter the territory of the Slovak republic during the period of validity of the residence permit.
  4. Third country national who has been granted the temporary residence for the purpose of family reunification pursuant to Art. 27 of Act on Residence of Aliens, may, within the period of 12 months following the date the residence has been granted, work in territory of Slovak Republic only with the valid work permit. Once the period has expired third country national is allowed to work without the work permit.
  5. Third country national is obliged to:

a) notify the police department in writing that he/she will stay out of the territory of the Slovak Republic continuously for more than 180 days if he/she has granted a residence permit,

b) provide all required data in a full and truthful manner within the scope set out by this Act,

c) prove identity and rightfulness of the residence upon the request of the police officer by presenting a valid travel document and residence permit or identity card issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to persons enjoying diplomatic privileges and immunity pursuant to international law,

d) take out health insurance within three working days following the date the residence permit is taken over and prove health insurance at the territory of the Slovak Republic at the residence check,

e) prove financial coverage of the permitted residence at the residence check amounting to not less than subsistence minimum per every month of the remaining residence, but maximum for the period of one year ahead; in case of minor third country national the coverage shall be a half of the subsistence minimum per every month of the remaining residence, but maximum for the period of one year ahead,

f) prove financial means at the residence check which are to cover costs related to the residence of the third country national within the territory of the Slovak Republic under Article 6 per every day of the remaining residence, if Schengen visa was approved for the third country national,

g) report to the police department any change in his/her first name, surname, personal status, nationality and data in the travel document within five working days following the date the change occurred; and exchange of the travel document,

h) protect documents issued pursuant to this Act against loss, theft, damage or misuse,

i) report to the police department the loss, theft or damage of the travel document or documents issued pursuant to this Act within five working days following the date he/she noticed it,

j) appear upon the request of the police department in connection with proceedings pursuant to this Act,

k) present a travel document upon the request of the accommodation provider,

l) sign filled in official form on reporting the residence which contains first name and surname, date and place of birth, nationality , permanent residence, purpose of the residence, number of the travel document, visa number, address of the residence in the Slovak Republic, name of the accommodation provider and first names and surnames of cotravelling children,

m) provide data necessary for statistical information concerning the residence,

oznámiť do troch pracovných dní policajnému útvaru, že účel, na ktorý bol pobyt udelený zanikol,

o) notify the police department within three working days of the fact that the purpose for which the residence permit was granted ceased to exist,

p) undergo biometric data enrolment if requested by the police department or representative office for purposes of proceedings pursuant to this Act or special regulation89)

q) depart not later than on the last day of the authorized residence; if the application for the temporary residence permit of the third country national was rejected due to a change in the purpose of the residence, the application for the renewal of the temporary residence was rejected, the temporary residence was withdrawn, the application for permanent residence for unlimited period of time was rejected, a permanent residence was withdrawn, the application for long-term residence was rejected, long-term residence was withdrawn, the application for tolerated residence was rejected, the application for extension of the tolerated residence was rejected or the tolerated residence withdrawn, the third country national shall be obliged to depart within the period of 30 days following the date the decision becomes valid and effective, unless he/she is authorized to residence in the territory of the Slovak Republic for other purpose,

r) apply within five working days for the new residence permit, if data included are not accurate or if circumstances under h) occur,

s) submit the invalid residence permit or invalid document issued pursuant to this Act, or the found document of other alien to the police department,

t) notify the police department that he/she intends to stay away from the address of the residence granted continuously for more than 30 days,

u) submit a document confirming health insurance to the police department within 30 days following the date the residence permit is taken over, as far as the third country national as per Art. 22, 25, 26, 27, 29 and 30 is concerned,

v) submit medical opinion confirming that she/he does not suffer from any disease which threatens public health to the police department within 30 days following the date the residence permit is taken over, as far as the third country national who has granted the temporary residence is concerned; this shall not apply if it concerns the third country national as per Art. 28 or 30,

w) submit medical opinion confirming that she/he does not suffer from any disease which threatens public health to the police department within 30 days following the date the residence permit is taken over, as far as the third country national who has granted EU Blue Card is concerned,

x) submit employment contract containing requirements pursuant to Art 38/5/a to the police department within 30 days following the date the residence permit is taken over, as far as the third country national who has submitted the written promise set out in Art 38/6,

y) submit extract from the Companies Register of a natural person – entrepreneur, company or cooperative to the police department within 60 days following the date the residence permit is taken over, as far as the third country national who has granted the temporary residence pursuant to Art 22, this shall not apply if a special regulation does not require any registration into the Companies Register,

z) submit medical opinion confirming that she/he does not suffer from any disease which threatens public health to the police department within 30 days following the date the residence permit is taken over, as far as the third country national who has granted the permanent residence for the period of five years is concerned,

aa) submit medical opinion confirming that she/he does not suffer from any disease which threatens public health to the police department within 30 days following the date the residence permit is taken over, as far as the third country national pursuant to Art 46/1/b is concerned,

bb) submit former residence permit to the police department; otherwise the residence permit shall be declared to be invalid and if it is used by the third country national in the Schengen territory the residence permit shall be retained.

cc) notify the police department within 3 working days of beginning of the residence

dd) notify the police department of change of address of residence within 5 working days following the date the change occurred,

ee) re-entering the territory of the Slovak republic meet the conditions pursuant to Art 5 of Schengen Code (especially to have the valid visa if he/she is under the visa requirement),

ff) notify the police department within 5 working days that data in document according to § 73(17, first sentence) has been changed


  1. Third country national – holder of EU Blue Card is obliged to:

a) notify the police department of commencement and termination of unemployment period within five working days,

b) notify the police department of change of employer; within five working days prior to commencement of employment; when a EU Blue Card holder reports the change of employer, he/she shall be obliged to present documents pursuant to Art 38/5/a-b.


resource: www.minv.sk

Advice for third country national who has granted the residence within the territory of the Slovak republic

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