In 2021, only micro-taxpayers whose income for the tax period does not exceed EUR 49,790 will be able to use the income tax rate of 15 percent. This is the limit for registration for value added tax. This follows from the amendment to the Income Tax Act, which will be effective from 1 January next year.

In 2020, the 15 percent income tax rate applied to entrepreneurs and legal entities whose taxable income does not exceed 100,000 euros per year. For other individuals, a 19 percent tax rate applies, while a monthly income of more than about 3.1 thousand euros is subject to a 25 percent tax rate. A 21 percent income tax rate applies to legal entities with income higher than 100.00 €.

The non-taxable part of the tax base for spa care will be deleted from the Income Tax Act from the beginning of 2021. For the last time, taxpayers will be able to use it for this year’s tax period. The non-taxable part of the tax base for spa care can also be applied to spa care provided at the turn of 2020 and 2021, if at least one day of this spa care is provided in 2020.



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