If an employee carries out work on Saturdays, he shall be entitled to a wage allowance of at least 50% of the minimum wage in EUR per hour (Section 122a of the Labor Code) with effect from 1 May 2019, except for the wage earned. For the period from May 1, 2018 to April 30, 2019, in accordance with the temporary provision of § 252m, the wage allowance for work on Saturdays will be at least 25% of the minimum wage in euros per hour.
With effect from 1 May 2018, the possibility to apply a derogation for a group of employers who, due to the nature of the work or the conditions of the operation, is required to carry out the work on a regular basis on a Saturday. There is an option in the collective agreement, respectively. in the employment contract, to agree a lower amount of the wage benefit and determine its minimum height. In the employment contract it will be possible to agree a lower amount of wage benefit only if it is a non-trade union employer and has less than 20 employees at 31 December of the previous calendar year. Based on this exception, it is possible to:
– from 1 May 2019 in the sense of Section 122a 2 of the Labor Code to agree a wage benefit for work on Saturday of at least 45% of the minimum wage in euros per hour,
– from 1 May 2018 to 30 April 2019 in the sense of the temporary provision § 252m a) Labor Code to agree wage allowance for work on Saturday at least 20% of the minimum wage in euros per hour.
In the Saturday night shift workplace, it begins with an hour corresponding to the onset of a work change, which starts on the shift schedule as the first morning change and ends at 24 hours from the beginning.
With a responsible employee, a wage may be agreed in the employment contract, even with a possible job on Saturdays; in which case the salary benefit for the head of a job on Saturday will not be the same.
Source: employment.gov.sk
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